Kamis, 27 November 2008

harpers bazaar n P&G

it's been so busy on this month, jd gw jarang bgt ngisi blog. plg2 cm check e-mail,shoutbox,dll. okayy there are some project that must be done on this November. the most harder is my final exam. skrg adlh minggu tes semester, so i must study for the gud result.
last tuesday i performed in HI, there was harper's bazaar & P&G event. tp lbh ditekankan ke hair do sih, kind of tribute to profesional & senior hair dresser. jd ada rudy hadisuwarno, sugi,dll. ev'ry hairdresser has a different theme. masing2 colaborate with designer. dr barli,ade sagi,dll. themanya jg mcm2, ada futuristik, ethnic,dll. pdhal besoknya gw UAS KIMIA yaaa.. but who can refuse fashion show? beside u can enjoy so many fab clothes, i also had a lil experience w the make up, dress, work system,etc on the backstage. the guest star are dimi, anggun, tohpati.
so tmrw i will perform in JakJazz Festival. sktr jam 11.15 mlm mainnya, dan sial nya di dekt2 waktu itu tuh Kyoto Jazz Massive main. mn fullband lg, aaah ngileer pgn ntn. after jakjazz, entah bsk i will watch Steve Aoki at Bengkel.
i must study japan & pk for tomorrow final test. i really2 tired, krn td br plg latian. hmm maybe go to bed is a good ideA. jd, dadaaaah berhubung udh ngantuk jg

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