Senin, 15 Juni 2009




selalu inget Allah, rajin solat, sayang ortu, pelan2 jd anak sholeh,punya ortu yg slalu rukun damai sejahtera, sehat sentosa,rejeki lancar,kuliah lancar, bs jd dokter yg baik, dunia permusikan makin lancar, rejeki banyak, ga tll jutek lagi, ramah, bs ngobrol sm smua org, jd org arif, bisa nari luwes, sabar, ga sombong, punya badannya Giselle Bundchen, mukanya Monica Belluci, punya temen yg bener2 baik yg banyak, punya suami tampangnya kaya Takeshi Kaneshiro, baik & pintar cari duit :)


Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

in the realm of...

there are two kind of person. one got their privilage since they was born bcos the family background, in other way got the privilage w their education or successful or their marriage. i see some people grow up w their privilage based on their family. and this kind of person may get a good education and a happily marriage to increase their prestige status. don't be jealous of that fate, cos it just throw u into a condition that u can respect urself anymore. yea some people must struggle to get their status, but we can blame god for this. just think this is just their luck.

human will be a human. don't deny that we easily get impresed by human appearance. this is make so many people transforming their self into a person that they wish or like, n it's called "make over". most of this situation happened w girl. just take an example, in a elementary even junior high school some of girl defend their self as a tomboy. u dont really care about ur skin, ur face, ur WEIGHT, n ur stuff. as a time goes by, in high school maybe, u see that u have so many beautiful friends, n realize that people are more interesting talk to someone who have an A+ in every aspect. since that u take care ur skin from any pimples, shining up ur hair, use whitening cream, buy any magz for fashion inspiration, etc. u become better and better and show any of ur ability. people are more attracting to u. say hi when u walk even u dont know who they are, some of the guy flirting to u, their listening what u talk, respect to u, and everybody wants to be ur friend. u right up to the hip, u become on top. but then smthg happen. u feel tired w that spotlite, dismay, n empty. u predicted what will be happen if u losing ur charm, ur ability, u have soo many pimples, fat, n ur loosing material stuff. are they still act nice to u? n u realize all that u need are just a family who always support u, n a real friends who approve what u are & always be there for u.