Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

my confession

yesterday, i watched Confessions of a Sophaholic with my mom. Isla Fisher is a great actress, she has a natural humor. ada bbrp hal d film itu yg jg menjadi hal2 yg gw anut sjk lama.

i think buy a classic outfit (shoes, bag,etc) is one of my invesment. dont u know , buy a designer bag, it's like when ur parents buy a gold for invesment. u can sell ur outfit kl udh bosen or ada keperluan lain dgn harga jual yg ms ttp tinggi. banyak loh org2 yg jual their second branded stuff dgn harga jual lmyn tinggi dan ttp laku. jd g slh kl itu disebut salah satu investasi.

i love shopping, but i just a teenager who still dont have so much money to buy that stuff. i'm not a sophaholic yg akut sperti tokoh utamanya dan orang2 d therapy itu. but one that knew, if i have a bad day, shopping it's my physical treatment, tentunya harga barang yg dibeli ttp terjangkau u anak muda. another my guilty pleasure is go to my fav branded store n see the new season of that brand. hal itu bs memanjakan mata & menenangkan pikiran. but neither w the price yg tentunya blm sanggup u gw bli, hahaha. so all that i can do just see, and feel the material of that stuff sambil berpikir, apakah nanti pas udh gede gw bs bli barang2 ini?hahaha... satu barang aja bs buat bayar uang kuliah 1 semester, bahkan lebih. believe it or not this treatment work for me. mood gw bs menjadi lbh baik hanya dgn cuci mata seperti ini. i know it's cheesy and embarassing,hahahahah. but it's fun! :D

if u have seen the movie, remember the dress yg dia pake waktu interview, purple ruffle dress yg di match sm YSL coat. several months ago, i made a black dress for JJF yg inspirasinya gw ambil dr Vogue magazine. dsn ada YSL mini dress in red color dgn ruffle yg sama dgn yg di pk Isla Fisher. tp gw cm ngambil bagian atasnya aja dan gw bikin lbh tipis, bcos i'm fat, jd kl rufflenya tll banyak bkin badan gw tambah besar.

remember when she's looking a tuxedo for Luke in Prada store? dia milih kemeja warna soft pink, and said that she likes a men in pink. when i saw that i just can smile, akhirnya i found the one that agree with me. for me, a man who has a good taste n good appearance, only if he can wear pink clothes and still looks manly and charming. that's why i had love at the first sight w Chuck Bass (gossip girl). omaigod he can wear pink sweater, orange coat, white suit, and still looks gorgeous. i melt w this character. many of my friends said that it's like a gay. but who cares??!! i still in love w this guy.

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